CombatSim v0.2
CombatSim v0.2
Download: (includes source, requires a fairly recent version of Java)
Description: CombatSim is a two player (hotseat) strategy game engine.
It allows you to play as well as create strategy game scenarios (think tabletop wargame)
that utilize Java's dynamic class loading capabilities to allow for custom units.
To run:
(1) Unzip to C:\, creating the folder C:\CombatSim with some folders inside.
Note: If you don't want to unzip to that folder, you have to change the scenario files.
(2) That shortcut probably won't work. But go to command line and into the c:\CombatSim\Source
folder and run "java game". It should run. If it doesn't, you're probably doing something wrong.
(3) A file chooser window should open up; use it to open the .scn files (in c:\CombatSim).
(4) [Hopefully] enjoy!